Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jesus the Crackpot

Jesus the confused, Jesus the deluded.
he was just trying to figure out who he was, what his mission on earth was.
it wasn't that he was deliberately trying to mislead people, for he did want to help them, guide them to happiness, to self-empowerment.
as John Carrol's the existential Jesus reveals, all that he tried to do failed. his kingdom failed. his disciples were let down, ashamedly dissociating themselves from him in his last day.

in contrast to today tonight's revelation yesterday that Jesus was a failure, it seems Jesus was perhaps not so much a failure as deluded.
and when you look at it that way, maybe we should give this man a break.
perhaps he too, like Moses, had been on a hallucinogenic road-trip, that ended worse than any teenage road-trip movie could imagine.

who knows? Jesus' embarrassing death shows he was either a crackpot or a con-man.


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