Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Jesus Ain't A Dirty Word

At UNSW the 2nd Session Mission has begun!
It started yesterday with a debate between Rob Forsyth and Peter Slezak, on whether Jesus rose from the dead or not.
By all accounts it went well, with more questions raised than answers given, but the end result being that people need to make a decision of faith, whether they are willing to put their trust in the evidence for the ressurection of Christ or not!
Praise God!
Stay tuned for all the events, with MP3s of talks going up soon.

Have a look at:


byron smith said...

So you weren't at the debate?

I love Rob live - he's great on the radio. Guess that's why he so often acts as 'media bishop'.

psychodougie said...

unfortunately tuesdays and thursdays are my only uni days
i always enjoy hearing Rob, am looking forward to hearing the talks

from what i heard tho, it wasn't the convincing argument you want

as i maintain, the debate isn't the tool to convince people to give their lives to Christ, rather something to stir people's consciences to further investigate the claims discussed

from all accounts this did happen tho.

byron smith said...

rather something to stir people's consciences to further investigate the claims discussed

I agree - that's why it's good to kick off with a debate.

Mark said...

You should write a post about what constitutes a "dirty word" - is it completely subjective?