Friday, January 24, 2020

Songs for Going Up - the psalms of ascent 120-134

I've been doing some work on the Psalms of Ascent this past year. I'm currently trying to fill in the gaps now I've finished preaching through the series. Here are the links for them. I'll update this page as I go, and plan to get back and fill in the gaps. I've also preached on most of these, or have got someone to preach for me. If you want to listen to what the working out in the blog turns into when preached, the sermons are available here. Most are by me, but there a couple of guest preachers too, including luminaries such as Andrew Shead (Moore College), Peter Lau (SMBC/STM), and some other friends.
I've written a brief post on imagery within the collection, and a much longer one on the puzzling question of the structure of the collection. 

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