Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Matthew 13 Chiasm Structure

My work for Sunday. The three E's stand out as being key to understanding the chapter.


Unknown said...

Thank you for working on the chiasm in Matthew 13. It is there. I think you have added to the discussion and encourage you to publish more.

I am unmoved (in my humble and often wrong opinion) by the 3 "E's" in the center. First, why would Matthew want to do that vs a more tried and true step or inverted parallel? And if he chose to do 3 E's he would likely mark it well, but by identifying only 2 very strong D's and no corresponding third D (to "ears to hear..."), it makes it much less likely. And, you would be very hard to show any actual parallel or contrast between your first two E's and your third. (Sorry to be so straight forward). But, still this is good.
For one, you pick up on the clear parallel between the account at the end of chapter 12 and at the end of chapter 12 (I consider them inclusio's currently) notice besides their obvious parallels, this is the only place in Scripture, save one, that you even hear about Jesus' sisters. Now add in the fact that they both mention FATHER, MOTHER, BROTHERS and SISTERS of Jesus, and you have such a strong parallel that it is difficult to deny. That they both revolve around a common them (who is the real family of Jesus and therefore who is this Jesus) Wow. Tight parallel stories...and notice the results in both stories.

Be sure you identify all 8 parables and the rest of the chiasm becomes pretty clear. And it does in fact aid in knowing what these parables are truly for...what each parable is saying. I used to laugh at the disciples near the end of the 8 parables when Jesus ask, do you understand these? They say, Yes. And I always thought...OH, sure you do! Liars!!! Ha! Ha! But, now I think the opposite. They really do understand them. And Matthew gives us the means to understand each...the 8 most important things that Matthew would have us know from the lips of Jesus.

Unknown said...

Of course I meant "at the end of ch. 12 and at the end of Ch. 13". My typo. I am often shocked how few tie the two stories together (the account of Jesus mother, brothers and sister (and Father) coming to see him, and the account of the townspeople rejecting based on mother, brother, sisters, and father). You do. So, that is awesome.