Monday, August 08, 2011

why are people cheering for kate?

part of the reason i feel uncomfortable with people lauding 'kate the christian' is you then have to come up with a reason to distance yourself from the christian brother done for disgusting dodginess.

i don't want people to consider christianity just because christians are good people or nice cooks, in the same way as i don't want them to write it off because of people like the victorian paedophile or the norwegian mass murderer.

rather i want people to consider christianity because they see in Jesus a God who has proven his love for them, and they see in the bible a way of looking at things that makes sense of the world and ourselves, our ability to do great and beautiful things but also to commit great evil.


Justine Jenner said...

Your right Doug, there is a danger in trying to raise up a celebrity Christian, and put our faith in them to make a difference.

Unknown said...

like this!

where's the FOLLOW button for ur blog?

psychodougie said...

thanks areta.

dunno where the button is. i just write stuff. if you have a blog reader just put in the web address and it should work.

it's a pretty old design so i don't know if it could handle a button. that sounds too high-tech!

haoran said...


1) If she's a Christian, then she's a sister. And if she's family, then cheering for her is a show of solidarity; the same way that I would cheer for my brother if he was on MasterChef. We rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.

1b) no less than a fallen brother (if he's a Christian) should make us mourn at the brokenness and sinfulness of all of humanity. 'On my best behaviour,' said Sufjan, 'am I really just like him?' [i.e. John Wayne Gacy, serial killer]

2) God changes everything. You can be a Christian cook, because God is the one who has made a cornucopia of food, in amazing array and variety and flavours. That's our amazing creator God. To acknowledge that and celebrate that--acknowledging the creative Creator--is to worship. (of course, to leave out God makes food an idol...)

I think there were more thoughts, but they fell out of my head.

psychodougie said...

well said haoran.

i think my unease is similar to people voting for people because they're a christian.

or that it implies that it's inappropriate to cheer for the guy who came second or the girl who came third (i'm obviously a massive fan!) because they're not.

having said all this, if i knew them and had a church connection (like Justine) i would tell my friends to cheer for her - she's my friend - and did you know she goes to my church! or something like that.

and how good would it be to have an evangelistic event where she could chat about being a christian who delights in cooking as one of God's good gifts!

but that's not the same as saying 'hey christians are awesome - just look at kate who won MC and bear grylls who drinks elephant poo.'

do you get my distinction?